Blog #3 8/27/09
Greetings and welcome back. This blog is a bit, actually a lot, more serious than the past. I have something that I need to share.
I have been selling real estate in So Cal for over 37 years and I have always firmly believed that ethics; ones conscience, principle, standards and morality; had to be impeccable in order to be a successful sales person, no matter what the product. While updating my Facebook and Twitter pages today I ran across a blog that really brought into question the lengths some people go to when marketing a product. The blog was talking about a video posted on the web by a couple of real estate agents. I watched the video, thinking it was kind of quirky, not unlike the Keystone Cops of old. It even had the music, but with their own lyrics. While I didn't find distain with the video, I did wonder what kind of person would be moved to call these realtors after watching this goofy video. The agents who posted the video are probably nice people, but a poor judge of character when it comes to the seriousness of the public today.
My question was answered in reading Marc Davison's blog. To quote Mark: 'In my opinion, this so completely misses the mark given the serious nature of the most important transaction of our lives'. He goes on to state that this is not the way to market responsibility, and I totally agree. Marketing should not make you look foolish; just the opposite. And of all times to be cartoonish; when the consumer is deeply mired in fear and confusion regarding real estate; the rampant distrust they have regarding some of its practitioners. We are talking about hopes and dreams here, many whose have been crushed by the current economy. Fears of what the future will bring keep many awake at night. As real estate practitioners, we should have knowledge about how the economy is affection our markets, and provide clients with whatever it takes to help make their dreams come true. At the very least, we should know which direction to point them for assistance if they are in trouble. Real estate is not a game and should not be taken lightly. We have an obligation to be ethical and always exibiting integrity at every level of our business.
Linda Novick, Associate Broker Making real estate dreams come true for over 37 years
Windermere Real Estate Coachella Valley
Direct: 760-397-3652
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